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making great job & career decisions

making the right career decision

​I'm often talking to people who are in the middle of a big career decision, and don't know what to do or how to make the decision.


  • If I ask them what they want, they don't know, and they feel paralysed to decide their next step. 

  • If I ask them what information they've got about themselves to make that decision, they seldom know.



“I am not a product of my circumstances.

I am a product of my decisions.”


– Stephen Covey

Making great career decisions is all about knowing your criteria - the things that are important for you at that stage of your life. Knowing your purpose is hugely helpful to this but if you're going to make the big career decisions, you need my more comprehensive Redesign Your Life programme.


This is similar in style to the Living on Purpose programme, but gives you the chance to go into more areas and go much deeper; the 2 fit together really well, and together they provide the activities to give you a set of simple but powerful information about you.


Redesign your Life is all about easily working out your criteria, so you can make the right decision and move forwards.

It's all about redesigning your life

This is designed for those with big decisions to make now, who want to get really clear on who they are and what that might mean about the rest of their lives.... 

The process:

  • you do my full programme - Redesign Your Life

  • it is in 4 parts - the first part is a free taster.

  • in each part, you can choose to email me what you find out about yourself as you do the powerful activities I've created

  • if you choose this, I review and reflect on what you've written, and using my experience across years of coaching, I help you make connections and build a deeper understanding of what it all means for you

  • at the end, the aim is you create a really clear and detailed set of ideal job criteria, and have all the information you need to build your CV and start moving towards what you want.

lots more information is on THEJOBYOUWANT website

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